Locate Crossword Clue

While searching our database we found 1 possible solution for the: Locate crossword clue. This crossword clue was last seen on February 18 2025 Newsday Crossword puzzle. The solution we have for Locate has a total of 4 letters.

Verified Answer


To meet with, or light upon, accidentally; to gain the first sight or knowledge of, as of something new, or unknown; hence, to fall in with, as a person.
To learn by experience or trial; to perceive; to experience; to discover by the intellect or the feelings; to detect; to feel.
To come upon by seeking; as, to find something lost.
To discover by sounding; as, to find bottom.
To discover by study or experiment direct to an object or end; as, water is found to be a compound substance.
To gain, as the object of desire or effort; as, to find leisure; to find means.
To attain to; to arrive at; to acquire.
To provide for; to supply; to furnish; as, to find food for workemen; he finds his nephew in money.
To arrive at, as a conclusion; to determine as true; to establish; as, to find a verdict; to find a true bill (of indictment) against an accused person.
To determine an issue of fact, and to declare such a determination to a court; as, the jury find for the plaintiff.
Anything found; a discovery of anything valuable; especially, a deposit, discovered by archaeologists, of objects of prehistoric or unknown origin.

Check the table below for more likely or similar clues and answers related to Locate crossword clue.

Rank Answer Clue Publisher
99% FIND Locate Newsday
20% CHOLULA Did you know? The Great Pyramid of ___ located in Mexico is the world's largest pyramid by volume Daily Themed
20% CAMPDAVID Retreat located within Catoctin Mountain Park Wall Street Journal
20% USNA Military sch. located in "America's Sailing Capital" LA Times
20% SITED Located Wall Street Journal
20% BUFFALO *City located at the east end of Lake Erie Wall Street Journal

Recent Usage in Crossword Puzzles:

  • Newsday Crossword, February 18 2025
  • Thomas Joseph Crossword, September 12 2024

The answer we have in our database for "Locate" is: FIND

There are a total of 4 letters in FIND

The crossword clue "Locate" was last spotted on February 18 2025

"Locate" was last seen on Newsday Crossword