Outcome Crossword Clue

While searching our database we found 1 possible solution for the: Outcome crossword clue. This crossword clue was last seen on February 11 2025 Newsday Crossword puzzle. The solution we have for Outcome has a total of 6 letters.

Verified Answer


To leap back; to rebound.
To come out, or have an issue; to terminate; to have consequences; -- followed by in; as, this measure will result in good or in evil.
To proceed, spring, or rise, as a consequence, from facts, arguments, premises, combination of circumstances, consultation, thought, or endeavor.
A flying back; resilience.
That which results; the conclusion or end to which any course or condition of things leads, or which is obtained by any process or operation; consequence or effect; as, the result of a course of action; the result of a mathematical operation.
The decision or determination of a council or deliberative assembly; a resolve; a decree.

Check the table below for more likely or similar clues and answers related to Outcome crossword clue.

Rank Answer Clue Publisher
99% RESULT Outcome Newsday
20% WINORLOSE No matter the outcome LA Times
20% RISKMANAGER *Employee responsible for minimizing negative outcomes LA Times
20% RIGS Predetermines the outcome of New York Times
20% BUMDEAL Unfair outcome informally New York Times
20% RIGS Predetermines the outcome LA Times

Recent Usage in Crossword Puzzles:

  • Newsday Crossword, February 11 2025
  • Thomas Joseph Crossword, September 6 2024

The answer we have in our database for "Outcome" is: RESULT

There are a total of 6 letters in RESULT

The crossword clue "Outcome" was last spotted on February 11 2025

"Outcome" was last seen on Newsday Crossword